Bewertungen EuroTier - Hannover Kirchrode-Bemerode-Wülferode

Adresse: Messegelände, 30521 Hannover, Deutschland

Telefon: +49 69 24788265

Kerl: Veranstaltungsstätte

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This event is the world's leading trade fair for professional animal husbandry and livestock management, offering an overview of innovations and established standards in the industry.

The updated 15th edition of the Positive List for single feed materials includes five new single feed materials and further developed admission criteria for single feed materials.

Farmers need reliable technologies that support them in their tasks, such as Precision Livestock Farming, to ensure continuous monitoring of individual animals.

Digitalization has reached the barn and livestock, with digital tools providing a more detailed insight into production processes than ever before.

Tierwohl (animal welfare) is gaining importance in the livestock industry, and this event offers a wide range of solutions, including stall equipment, climate and feeding technology, and lighting systems, to support animal welfare.

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